The following instructions should demonstrate how to use a Trangia cook set from start to finish.
Start by removing the strap, loosen the buckle and untie the strap.
These straps are available as spares - just in case!

Take off the frypan/lid.
The frypan can be used as a lid and is available in four different materials.

Fold the supports upwards or downwards to fit saucepans or frypan.

Take out the kettle.
Not included in all models, available as an accessory.

Take out the saucepans.
The saucepans are available in four different materials.

Take out the upper windshield and turn the lower upside-down.
To prevent back draft turn the holes in the lower windshield towards the wind.

Take out the burner from the bag, take of the simmering ring and the lid.
With the simmering ring you can regulate the heat by adjusting the flame with the damper.

Put fuel in the burner.
The fuel is best stored in Trangias own bottle with safety valve, which is available as an accessory in sizes of 1 and 0,5 litres

Turn the upper windshield into the bayonet joint in the lower.
For cold weather-conditions a pre-heater for the burner is available, as an accessory. Put the fuel bottle away before lighting the stove.

Use the handle to place the frypan on the supports.
The handle fits all frypans and saucepans in Trangia stoves.
Fold the supports down if you're planning to use the saucepans.

The Trangia stove are available in 16 different standards with lots of accessories.